Racing, contests of speed, and other motorsports must never be done on public roads, highways, or any other areas designated for public use. Racing and other motorsports should be done only in a controlled environment with the appropriate safety precautions. Participation in any motorsports carries with it an inherent danger and significant risk of personal injury or death. Any person participating in motorsports assumes this risk. Competition Motorsport will not be responsible for any injury, damages, or losses resulting in participation in racing or other motorsports activities.
Competition Motorsport (and any business partners, marketing partners, and sponsors) disclaims all express and implied warranties, including fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Competition Motorsport be liable for any loss of profits, business, use, or data, or for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind.
You may return most new, unopened, unused items in their original condition and with their original exterior protective packaging within 30 calendar days of the shipping date for exchange or refund. Only items originally purchased from Competition Motorsport will be considered for return or exchange. Competition Motorsport will pay return shipping costs if the return is solely the result of an error on our part.
Returns for reasons not related to an error on the part of Competition Motorsport must be shipped at the buyer's sole expense and risk, and will not be eligible for refund or exchange until the returned item has been received, inspected, and judged by us to be in a condition and state sellable in all respects as "new". Products not received by us in such condition, including those not returned in a proper corrugated shipping box, if accepted by us for refund or exchange, will be charged a fee equal to 40% of the original price paid. Any returned items deemed by Competition Motorsport to be unsellable as "new" in all respects may be refused entirely and thus ineligible for refund, credit, or exchange.
Competition Motorsport will issue refunds to the original payment account only. The time it takes for your payment provider to credit your account may vary and is beyond our control. If you have questions about a return, contact us at (844)-438-7244 before sending anything back.
A Special Note About Racing Seat Returns
Racing seats being returned to Competition Motorsport must be received, in our sole judgment, free from any and all signs of mounting, installation, or other use, including but not limited to dings, scratches, tears, scuffs, worn material, or other blemishes. Every returned racing seat is subject to inspection by Competition Motorsport. We will deduct from any refund, exchange, or credit issued for each returned racing seat any and all shipping costs incurred by Competition Motorsport.
All products sold as closeout items are ineligible for refund. Competition Motorsport reserves the right to accept any return of Closeout Items in exchange for store credit equal to the lesser of the original purchase price and the current sale price of the item.
All sales for closeout racing seats are final. No closeout racing seat will be accepted by Competition Motorsport for return, exchange, refund, or store credit. Closeout seats may have been used for store display and may have cosmetic flaws and/or blemishes. Such flaws are not grounds for return or exchange.
Please note that all fire suppression systems are filled and dated at the time of your order to ensure maximum efficacy and compliance with safety standards. Due to the custom nature of these products, they can not be returned or exchanged. We encourage customers to review their orders carefully and consult with our team if you have any questions prior to purchase to ensure your needs are fully met.
Some items are not eligible for return or exchange (unless due solely to our error), including but not limited to the following:
- Special order items, tools, scales, lubricants, fluids, roll bars, and wheels.
- All Safecraft-branded items.
- All restraints such as harnesses, window nets, side nets, and other safety restrains and related hardware.
- Items that we receive in other-than-brand-new condition (e.g., dirty, stained/discolored, covered in pet hair, showing signs of use) are not eligible for refund, store credit, or exchange.
- Any item or items determined by Competition Motorsport, at our sole discretion, to have been purchased for use as costumes, props, or any other non-racing endeavor, are not eligible for return for refund, exchange, or credit. Such endeavors include, but are not limited to: movie, TV, video, or other theatrical production; advertisement; product development; or photography.
- Items purchased for non-racing purposes are sold without warranty and are not returnable for any reason.
Once we receive your returned item, it will be inspected and a determination will be made as to whether or not it is eligible for a refund (full or partial). If eligible, Competition Motorsport will submit a refund to the original payment account only. The time it takes for your payment provider to credit your account may vary.
If you wish to return an item, you must contact Competition Motorsport with your name, email address, phone, order number, and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for your return.
If you have an eligible item that you wish to return for refund or exchange, please do the following:
Print a copy of your original order confirmation email;
Write "Return for XXX" (refund, store credit) or "Exchange for XXX" (product, size, color) on the order confirmation email;
Pack your item securely, along with the order confirmation, in a suitable corrugated shipping box and ship it to us at the following address:
Competition Motorsport
Returns Department
119 19th Street, Suite 101
West Des Moines, IA 50265
If you have any questions regarding returning an item, including whether or not is is eligible for refund or exchange, please contact us at (844)-438-7244 or