Lifeline AFFF Hand Held Extinguisher
from $129.99
The Perfect Affordable Extinguisher For HPDE Cars
Ground Shipping Only. Pressurized bottles cannot be shipped via air.
For HPDE participants, there simply is no better affordable fire extinguisher to protect your valuable sports car if things go sideways at the racetrack.  AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) fire extinguishers are suitable for use on Class A (wood, paper, material & cloth) & Class B (flammable liquids: gasoline, spirits, diesel, etc.) fires. This Dual Class A & B rating makes the Lifeline Foam (AFFF) Fire Extinguishers far superior for use in your HPDE car and trailer vs. the typical big-box store extinguisher.
These are NOT approved or intended for use as motorsports-sanctioned fire suppression systems.
All Lifeline hand held fire extinguishers are supplied complete with a bracket and two quick release straps for easy access.
Extinguishers are refillable and should be serviced every two years.
Choose from 1.75, or 2.4 liter bottles. 108mm bottle diameter.

Lifeline Zero 360 Novec 1230 Hand Held Extinguisher
from $319.99
Premier Portable Fire Supression Specifically For Motorsports
Ground Shipping Only. Pressurized bottles cannot be shipped via air.
This latest generation of Lifeline hand held fire extinguishers now use the highly efficient gaseous extinguishant ZERO 360 also used in Lifeline's top-of-the-line full-racing fire systems. Designed specifically for the rigors of motorsports, these extinguishers operate in any orientation.
Not the least-expensive option to strap into your HPDE car or race trailer, but considering the damage a fire can do to an HPDE-driven sports car, having a top-of-the-line extinguisher on hand is inexpensive insurance.
All Lifeline hand held fire extinguishers are supplied complete with a bracket and two quick release straps for easy access.
Extinguishers are refillable and should be serviced every two years.
Choose from 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 kilogram bottles.

Brey Krause
Brey Krause R-9530 Quick Release Fire Extinguisher Mount
Brey Krause QR Fire Extinguisher Mount
For HPDE participants and racers alike, the Brey Krause R-9530 Quick Release Fire Extinguisher Mount is designed for use with extinguishers with a 90mm diameter. This precision-machined bracket gives you quick and easy removal of the fire extinguisher when seconds count.
Mounts with four bolts to any surface, or an existing Brey Krause fire extinguisher bracket.
Fire extinguisher not included.

Zero 360 1.0 Kg Novec 1230 Belt Mounted Extinguisher
Belt Mounted Holster For Quick Access In Pits Or Paddock
Using the same Novec 1230 technology found in Lifeline's Zero 360 hard-mounted racing fire systems, these belt mounted hand-helds are ideal for pit personnel allowing you to fight small fires quickly and safely.
The specially designed holster allows for fast, easy access but will ensure the portable extinguisher remains securely held at all other times.Â
All Lifeline hand held fire extinguishers are supplied complete with a bracket and two quick release straps for easy access.
Extinguishers are refillable and should be serviced every two years.
Available in 1.0 kilogram bottles.